Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday - already?

Well, my friends, it's Friday again. I wanted to give you an update yesterday, but the Internet service was down almost all day. I had planned on watching the Healthcare Reform debates yesterday and then sharing my insights with you, but the circus going on here was much more entertaining.

Imagine the raging battle of blame between the VoIP guys and the cable guys! Finally a technician from the cable company came over. He installed a new modem - still no Internet access, and finally it turns out there is some issue with the "node" which also explains why our neighbor had also lost her Internet access. But now peace reigns once again and VoIP and Internet connections are working!

I will have to get back to you on my opinions on the healthcare reform saga. I am heading to the vet for the weekend, so I might take some time while I am there to think this through, get some opinions from others and get back to you. But, I am not promising anything. I usually don't have too much free time when I am at the vet.

I am, what you might call, a frequent flyer at the vet. My frequent bouts of pancreatitis have often landed me in the vet hospital and I am not sure if my human tips the staff or if its merely my natural charm, but I get showered with attention. My near celebrity status means that I have a lot of visitors whenever I am at the vet. Fortunately, this time my visit is purely social - no medical issues, thankfully. My human is headed to Beantown for a fundraising event and some meetings and she knows that I need constant attention, and that is why I am taking a weekend trip.

So, now I am wondering about what to pack for the weekend. Argyle sweater- maybe too preppy; Moose sweater- very "rugged and woodsy" and a favorite with the ladies; Classic navy cable - very British and makes me look distinguished. So many choices! What I really need is a very cool smoking jacket! If any of you know where I can get one, please let the Clifford know.

'Til next week

Clifford George Jackson

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Wednesday, February 24, 2010.

Today was the funeral of my human's aunt, so it is a somber day and a day to reflect. I had never met her as she lived in South Africa, but I have listened to my human and her cousin (one of my favorite people) talking about her and I know I would have loved her too.

Its hard to lose someone you love. At times like this, it seems that sadness and loss are all around us, all our lives. Sometimes you feel too tired to carry on hoping. But it always seems that when you least expect it you find strength or strength finds you. It comes in all sorts of forms, a kind word, a smile, a hug, or a sense of calm and peace... Rescue comes just in time.

To all my friends and family who have gone, I am thinking of you and remembering our times together. And to my friends who are dealing with pain and sadness, I am thinking of you and hoping that you will be rescued too.

Rest in peace, my dear aunt. Say hello to Mikey and enjoy the ice cream.

Clifford George
In memory of my brother Mikey (Michael Frederick Jackson)

Just another Monday

Hello to all of you,

Yesterday was a routine kind of day - catching up after the weekend. It rained yesterday so now the snow is melting quickly.

As I am sure you know, Schnauzers are not fans of rain. First of all, it can wreak havoc on our coats. Second, invariably your feet get muddy and you have to endure either the complaints about muddy paw prints in the house or the indignity of having your paws washed. Yikes! But I have masterminded a way to deal with this.

First, refuse to go outside on your own. I find that if you add a look of fear to the refusal, you are much more successful. This is especially effective first thing in the morning when they know you must need to relieve yourself. Now sometimes they will be quite determined, this is where you must be more determined. A little whining and shivering helps here and don't give up! If you are smart about this, you will succeed and they will have to accompany you outside. And somehow seeing them enduring bad weather makes it all worthwhile. They will also have muddy paws and so there will be fewer complaints. Also, remember to take your time. If you have to get wet, you might as well make the most of it. Find that perfect spot and enjoy watching them huddled under the umbrella! An added bonus is that wonderful wet dog smell that we love and they hate!

Now if you are not immediately successful with this technique don't be disheartened. It takes practice, and concentration and lets be honest, that's not easy on a full bladder! I perfected this technique rather quickly, but I have some things working for me - I am an accomplished actor who long ago mastered the "sad dog face" and I have a human (let me put this politely) who is a push over when it comes to animals and children. You might not be this fortunate, but don't despair, with hard work you will get there.

So, in the words of Winston Churchill, "Never, never, never give up!"

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a cigar to smoke!

Clifford George Jackson

Monday, February 22, 2010

Deer hunting and other activities

Well, its Monday again. It was a good weekend, as are most weekends. As promised I did have some time with at least one lady!

J came by to visit me. I didn't realize that she had even arrived at first - I think she snuck in to surprise me, but of course all the humans insist that I didn't hear her - stuff and nonsense. I didn't want to seem too needy. Anyway, I got a great back rub from her. Practicing the "sad face" pays off every time.

I also had my human to myself most of the weekend. So, now there is plenty of food in the freezer for moi and I got lots of attention and lots of back rubs, and lots of walks. Quite the life I lead. The weather was warmer too, so some of the snow and ice have started melting.

The highlight of the weekend was Sunday afternoon. I went outside to stretch my legs and do you-know-what. I was standing on the top of the steps of the deck looking out at my woods and saw four deer feeding off the low branches. I stood perfectly still, locked them in my sights and waited, like the hunter I am. They were completely unaware of the imminent danger they were in - poor Bambi's - like the proverbial lambs to the slaughter - deer in the headlights.

I signalled to the human to document this on film (well, really on a chip - in case Hilton is reading this) so that you could all share in this. She managed to get several photos of them and then I decided to make my move. I leaped from the deck at full speed and charged! They took off, out of the ravine, through the creek bed and over to the other side. Once they were clearly out of danger they stopped and looked around. They bowed their heads to the great hunter and protector - Clifford George Jackson.

Oh! You thought I was going to take them down? No, no, that is not my style. I can live along side them and other creatures. As long as they show respect to me, I am okay with that. Live and let live - that's my motto, or at least one of them.

For the skeptics among you, the human will be posting the photos of the deer, just as soon as she can figure out how to do that. So, you will soon have the evidence!

So, after an exciting weekend, it is back to work. I have to catch up on my sleep and the human has a busy week. I heard some rumor that she is traveling at the end of the week, so I guess I will be shipped off to the vet - AGAIN! I will let you know more about that.

Happy Hunting to all

Clifford George Jackson

Friday, February 19, 2010


I am happy to report that I had my morning walk today! As I told you yesterday, I missed my walk in the morning because of ice. But then I got sidelined for my evening walk because the human had a conference call and didn't get out of her office until about 7pm. So, not only did I not get my evening walk, I also got my dinner late!

I was not happy, and sulked all evening. But today looks like it will be a better day - or at least for me especially if the human can tear herself away from work long enough to get to Costco to buy my food.

Ahhh! Food! Glorious Food! No Kibbles 'n Bits for me! Like many Schnauzers, I have developed pancreatitis. This is a painful disease that makes it difficult for me to have any fat in my diet. If you want more information about this, visit my human's website - she runs an organization that deals to all diseases of the pancreas. (For humans, but most of the basic information applies to us canines too). Anyway, enough of the scientific mumbo jumbo, what this means to me is that the human cooks organic chicken breasts, organic jasmine rice and organic green beans. Then she carefully measures this mixture into portions, and freezes individual portions for me. Apart from tasting really, really good, this diet keeps the pancreatitis at bay - at least most of the time. I have trained her well. Some say I am a lucky guy. I say I am a smart dude who has trained my human to obey my every command.

There's another added bonus to this eating plan - the cat doesn't get any! She eats some dry cat food that is apparently well balanced - Ha! Ha!

Well, I might not post anything again until Monday. I might have a busy weekend - you know, with the ladies... I will give the scoop on Monday.

Til later

Clifford George Jackson

Thursday, February 18, 2010

My first posting

This blog is a collection of my thoughts - and as a thirteen year old Schnauzer, I think I have some wisdom to share. Mostly, though I intend to ramble on about my life, what's happened today, that sort of thing.

Right now my life is kind of peaceful, and I like it like that. It gives me to think about the important things in life. When there is too much going on, one doesn't get to contemplate too much.

I have had an interesting, not always good life, but I am not going to talk about that today. I will share my past with you at some stage, but today I want to talk about what's going on at home.

I missed my morning walk today - snow and more importantly ice everywhere. In case you don't know, here in Columbus we have about 20 inches of snow on the ground (and no, I am not exaggerating) Some of the snow started melting yesterday and refroze overnight so when I step outside I went sliding. Of course the human said stuff about it being too dangerous. I was pretty annoyed and insisted on eating several extra treats to make up for it.

We went for a quick walk to my cousin's house at lunch time. He is leaving for South Africa this afternoon. His mother died yesterday, so we have all been sad. I was pretty excited to see him and even managed to look interested in playing with the dog that lives there. Oscar award winning performance! I also met their new cat - well, really a kitten. His name is Dwight. He did the usual, predictable cat stuff - hissing, arching his back - you know the whole "I'm an invincible cat" act. Well, living with a crazed cat I was not that impressed.

Well, I need to catch some ZZZZs and brew up some more philosophy for you.


Clifford George Jackson