Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Wednesday, February 24, 2010.

Today was the funeral of my human's aunt, so it is a somber day and a day to reflect. I had never met her as she lived in South Africa, but I have listened to my human and her cousin (one of my favorite people) talking about her and I know I would have loved her too.

Its hard to lose someone you love. At times like this, it seems that sadness and loss are all around us, all our lives. Sometimes you feel too tired to carry on hoping. But it always seems that when you least expect it you find strength or strength finds you. It comes in all sorts of forms, a kind word, a smile, a hug, or a sense of calm and peace... Rescue comes just in time.

To all my friends and family who have gone, I am thinking of you and remembering our times together. And to my friends who are dealing with pain and sadness, I am thinking of you and hoping that you will be rescued too.

Rest in peace, my dear aunt. Say hello to Mikey and enjoy the ice cream.

Clifford George
In memory of my brother Mikey (Michael Frederick Jackson)


  1. Hey Clifford (or may I call you Cliffie?)

    This is your cousin from South Africa - I'm known as the blonde of our dog family and my name is Gabrielle, but you can call me Gabby (everyone does).

    I really enjoy your ramblings - I'm sure in no time you will have a large following - hey maybe one day you'll even write a book!

    Hope to "chat" to you again soon.



  2. Hey Gabby,

    Thanks for the shout out! I am always pleased to hear from my fans and especially those from far away, exotic places.

    Is it true that blondes have more fun?
