Wednesday, April 28, 2010

On my way to the vet!

Well, hello again,

I thought I would try and sneak in another post before the human takes me to the vet for a 6 day stay. She is heading off to New Orleans for some big conference - all work and no play makes her pretty dull!

While I am at the vet, I am having my teeth cleaned. When I was last there they tried to clean my teeth, but I was not having any of it. When I first moved here I had to have 20 teeth extracted, which is no joke. And which was also not my fault. Its not like I had a toothbrush and some floss. My life before this was not exactly pleasant and I did not get the kind of care and attention I get now. So, after enduring that last lot of dental surgery, there was no chance I was letting them anywhere near my few remaining teeth. So, my human has arranged for me to be sedated while they clean my teeth. She had convince me that this was a) going to be painless for me and b) that it was critically important. She did a good job of convincing me, and now I realize that this minor inconvenience for me is important - I really can't afford to lose anymore teeth!

J and W have promised to come and visit me while I am staying at the vet. It pretty cool for me, because I am the only dog boarding who gets visitors. It does a lot to boost my reputation! Plus they always bring treats!

Well, hopefully when I write again I will have some pearly white teeth to show you. In the meantime remember to floss!
Talk to you soon
Clifford George Jackson

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