Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello everyone,

Once again I have been barred from using the computer - this time you can blame the human's busy job. Now finally, I can sit down and catch up with all of you.

Not a whole lot has been going on in my life - get up in the mornings, have breakfast, read the newspaper, go for a walk... I read that some guy won the Iditarod for the fourth year in a row. I am not sure whether to be impressed or appalled. I guess its an accomplishment and the dude is a throat cancer survivor, but its not like he is pulling the sled himself. Its the dogs that do the work! Its times like this that I am so pleased I am not a husky or malamute or whatever other dogs get into that. I think that guy should come with a warning label to all "mushing" dogs - BEWARE OF LANCE MACKEY!!!!

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. I wish I could tell you that we had some fabulous celebration and drank lots of green beer, but the closest I got to green anything was the green beans in my food! My human really needs to get a life - she is really holding me back.

I have something else I want to get off my chest - I read about Sandra Bullock this morning and how her husband has had an affair. Honestly, I am getting really tired of these kinds of stories. Tiger Woods, John Edwards and now Sandra Bullock's husband! What is it with you humans? Doesn't being faithful mean anything anymore? Maybe you think its strange for a dog to talking about this? But dogs are experts at being faithful. We might not have wives or husbands or partners, but we are inherently faithful to all of you. Even when you don't deserve it! It seems like some of you think its "cool" to betray the ones you love, well, the way I see it, its way more "cool" to be faithful.

When you betray someone you love or claim to love, it is the ultimate act of selfishness and narcissism. And that is not cool! Some people say being faithful is boring, well, then get a hobby, and if its so bad then get out of the relationship, but don't cheat! At least you humans can get out of a bad relationship. As dogs we don't have that option. Even when the relationship is abusive we are mostly trapped, and still we are faithful.

I have known the pain of betrayal - yes, even Mr. Clifford knows this pain. And its taken me a long time to get over that. I had several humans help me get to where I am today. When I first got here, Mikey helped me to realize that I was safe and loved. More than anything Mikey taught me that if I learned to trust, I would open myself to so much happiness. He really showed me that being faithful to the ones you love, makes your life richer.

My human always says that Mikey came into her life to show her what pure joy is, and that I came into her life to show that you can trust again after you've been hurt. And that's why I am sticking around - she still has a lot to learn.

So, be cool
Clifford George Jackson

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