Monday, March 8, 2010

Hello my friends,

I apologize for the long delay in writing. I have been unable to access the computer due to my human having a rather debilitating virus. This has kept her in bed or on the couch for several days. And as she won't give me her password, I have been unable to communicate with you! What's with the secrecy? Its not like she is giving me the password to access her bank accounts.

I am pretty sure the cat knows the password and I tried to wrestle it out of her. She keeps insisting that just because she lies on the computer keyboard, runs across the keyboard, etc., doesn't mean she knows the password. I am not sure she is telling me the whole truth, but as she fully loaded with all her claws and not afraid to brandish them, I didn't push her too hard.

So, with the sick human there has not been a lot of excitement here. I have tried to be a little more attentive and lay on the bed with her, sat next to her on the couch, watched the Oscars, and I think I did a fairly good job of nursing her back to comparative health. She is still coughing and that really disturbs my sleep, but I will have to exercise patience with the patient! I give her credit for ensuring that someone took me for my walks. Here's a big shout out to W and J for taking me for walks! You are on my favorite human list.

Despite being busy brushing up on my nursing skills I have been giving some thought to what career I would follow (if I ever decided to). I definitely think nursing is out - long hours and not much reward.

I did think about acting. I think I am a natural, and watching the Oscar's last night I think I could do at least as well as any of those guys. George Clooney - really! Everyone swoons over him! Don't get me wrong, he's a pretty cool dude. But so am I - silver hair and a way with the ladies - Georgie boy, watch your back!

That got me thinking about the arts in general. I think I am a born performer and multi talented at that. To back up this claim I am including a photo of moi, playing the piano (incidentally the human is standing by to turn the pages). If I had to earn a living, and I pray that never happens, I think the performing arts might be the way to go.

I used to have this conversation with my brother, Mikey, before he passed away, and he always like the idea of being a cowboy, or joining the circus. I think he would have been really good at making people laugh. He made me laugh! That's a great gift to have and to share.

I hope you make someone laugh today and that someone makes you laugh too!
Clifford George Jackson


  1. Hey Clifford you crack me up and make my day. How was that George Clooney guy? He sure didn't like taking a roasting from the presenters.
    I hope your human is recovering and that you don't catch anything from her.

  2. Hey Hilton,
    The human is recovering thankfully! Talking about George Clooney, I read in the newspaper, that his girlfriend had a wardrobe malfunction while getting ready for the Oscars and George saved the day by sewing up her dress! Come on, the dude can sew? Will he stop at nothing?
    Take care
