Even Ms. Cool Cat aka Olive is feeling the heat. She is spending most of the day indoors, sleeping in my bed. On Sunday morning she went for a walk with us and she was panting - no, really! Walks have been cut back because my energy evaporates in this blistering heat. I start off strong but literally fade after about a block and a half.
I hope all of you, well at least all of my US friends, had a good holiday weekend. The 4th of July - what a fun celebration! I often wonder what the original founding fathers would think of all of the way we celebrate Independence. They don't strike me as guys who knew how to have a lot of fun. Sometimes I think their hats might have been too tight!
My human went to visit J & W yesterday evening. I got to stay home - too hot for me to be out, but I did miss seeing two of my favorite humans, especially Ms. J - I think she has a crush on me! But then there are quite a few ladies smitten with The Clifford!
Post Buble concert feedback - two CDs and a concert t-shirt! So not only has the human been singing along with the Michael Buble CDs, but she is now also dancing around while she sings. Every now and again, she picks me up and makes me dance with her - OMG! Actually I blame this on Mikey (may my sainted brother rest in peace) but he loved it when the human would sing and dance and he would jump up and start prancing around and then she would pick him up and they would dance like crazy fools! So, Mikey, when I see you again - you owe me!
Well, my friends, stay cool! And if you dance, make sure no one is watching!
Clifford George J

You take it easy Cliffie. At your age you no longer need to prove your virility through strenuous exercise!